
The Coffin Refused to Be Buried Then Priest Opened it And Shocked Everyone

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The coffin refused to be buried, then the priest opened it and shocked everyone. Funeral attendees recently got the shock of a lifetime when a person on the verge of being buried suddenly.

For Priest Sam, a funeral is a weekly routine. Of course, he would rather do a wedding ceremony, but a funeral is part of his duties.

So today, he also has a funeral. A young woman died in a traffic accident today. It is her service, and the church is packed as John is busy blessing the young woman in the open casket.

He notices something striking on her body; Priest John completely froze up. When he saw it, he knew he had not been allowed to open the casket at the parent’s request, and now he understood why. When he looked over his shoulder, he could see the shocked faces of Mary’s parents.

Sam had the casket closed again and finished up the ceremony, but it was not going just to let the casket be buried. He went into the back to get his phone and called the police. He needed them to see right away, but Mary’s parents had different ideas. What detail had Sam noticed in the casket? Why did her parents react, and what was the secret they kept hiding about their daughter’s death? The death of little Mary was devastating news for the small town in rural Arkansas, and nobody expected something like this to happen.

As Mary’s parents told the presser, death had been caused because of a car accident. Most shocking of all was the fact that the driver didn’t stop the vehicle for helping the girl. Unfortunately, there were no Witnesses in front of the whole scene of the accident. Therefore, it was very difficult to find out who was that person that was responsible. There was overwhelming sympathy from the town for the poor family which was grieving.

The funeral was scheduled to take place in two days, and Macy’s family wanted to prepare nicely for the ceremony to say a word of goodbye. But that day, maybe more details would be revealed about the car accident. What could happen on this day which brought up so many questions about that accident? Mary’s parents and every other citizen in this small town were very religious; therefore, the funeral ceremony would take place in the local church, the town’s pride. Everyone was very sad about this car accident and crying shame death of a little girl. The family decided that everybody deserved the chance to say a proper goodbye to the little girl. Of course, on the day of the funeral, the church was full of people. Poor Mary was at the foot of the altar in a closed casket, as her parents had requested. The atmosphere was kind of mournful because nobody expected a tragic accident like that happens in this small town.

Priest Sam was the one who led the ceremony. He was an old man. The priest was asked to bless the young girl before everybody could walk by the casket. But he couldn’t do this when the lid closed. So he decided to open the casket. After a while, something very unexpected happened.

The priest decided to open up the casket, and the parents had been shocked. Actually, this was something that parents had already asked not to happen.

But now it was too late for the parents to stop him. When the priest laid his eyes on the young girl in the casket, he noticed a detail that made him freeze in the middle of his blessing. What did he see? Priest Sam tried to quickly regain his composure and finished the blessing. Before closing up the casket again, he actually didn’t know how to react exactly to what he just saw inside the casket.

When he turned around, Mary’s parents were looking at him with pure fear in their eyes. Why did they hide it from everyone? Sam knew for sure that he didn’t want to make the situation seem weirder than it already was. So he invited the guests to row by row and walked past the casket to say their goodbyes. But he was not going to stay for this. He didn’t know how to react to this situation or what to tell the parents. The priest, before leaving the church, requested his two assistants to make sure this process ran smoothly and to make sure that nobody else opened up the casket again under any circumstances, not even Mary’s parents.

Meanwhile, Sam went into the back room of the church to get his phone. He knew he needed to alert the police in order to investigate what happened there. They needed to come to check this out before Mary was buried in the ground. This was actually the weirdest thing that ever happened to him through all these years. While the priest was being connected to the right Police Department, Mary’s parents were terrified, and they walked into the back room and closed the door behind them. Obviously, they didn’t want anybody else to witness this. They started bargaining with the priest not to call the police or tell anybody about what he had seen in the casket.

The priest at that exact moment was starting to be afraid for his life and his health. When the line finally connected to the police department, the priest had no doubts about what he had to do. He asked the police to come right away to the church because he wanted to show them something. The priest was standing in front of the parents, sending everyone home. Before the police arrived, the parents tried one last time to persuade the priest to call off the police. It almost looked like they were afraid for their own lives as well. They had a reputation to uphold in this town. All the neighbors have been so friendly to them since their daughter died. They didn’t want to hurt all of their feelings. But nothing would be the same if their neighbors found out what they were hiding.

Then suddenly, Mary’s parents locked the door. The priest’s face turned pale. What were they going to do with him? Mary’s parents looked at each other almost like they were unsure of what to do next. The priest sat down on a chair. He felt like he couldn’t breathe.

He was having a panic attack. The parents couldn’t help but feel sorry for the priest after all; he was an old man, and they weren’t bad people. They offered him some water, but when he wasn’t paying attention, they slipped something into his drink.

After that, the priest fell asleep and would wake up in a shocking place. Mary’s parents dragged the priest to the room with Mary’s coffin. They put the priest in an empty coffin to hide him from his assistants. Mary’s father ran towards the car and jumped in as they drove off. The priest came running through the back door; he screamed something at them, but they didn’t care. They had to get as far away as possible. But when they drove around the corner of the street, they were greeted by something horrible. They heard the sirens of the police cars from a distance; they were coming straight at them.

Mary’s parents could now see the police cars driving up the street toward them. They tried so hard to conceal their secret, but it was all for nothing; it was over for them. The police officers took Mary’s coffin back inside the church and wanted to talk to each parent alone. They started the interrogation pretty rough.

The officers told Mary’s parents they had to look inside the coffin. That was the only way to get the truth out. But when Andre went to get the coffin, he came back empty-handed. “The coffin is gone,” he said. He looked at his partner in disbelief. “How is that possible? We were all in this room together.” You could feel the tenseness in the air. What had happened with Mary’s coffin? Was there someone else involved?

The officers handcuffed Mary’s parents to their chairs. They walked out the door, wanting to investigate. But the church was massive. It had lots of different hallways and secret hideouts. The officers also didn’t have access to every part of the church, which makes this very tricky. They needed to handle this with care. The coffin must be on the ground floor; you can’t go downstairs with it. They decided to split up. Don went to the back of the church, and Andre to the front. He ordered everyone to stay inside and lock the front door. The people in the church started mumbling; they disagreed with what was happening, but they had no say in it.

In the meantime, Buck discovered where the footsteps came from. He walked as silently as he could, gripping his gun, his belt. He wasn’t going to use it, but he needed it for protection. He opened the door slightly, just enough to see what was happening on the other side. Someone was standing over Mary’s coffin. “Put your hands where I can see them,” he shouted and turned around slowly. The man over Mary’s coffin fours; he put his hands up in the air and turned around, “Hello, Don,” he said, “nice to see you again.”

Don couldn’t believe his eyes; he dropped his gun and stood there confused for a second. Then Andre came running through the door; he had heard Buck shouting. He yelled, his gun in his hand and pointed it at the man. “Stand down,” fret Buck said, “I know this man.” “Who were you?” then he asked the man. Buck answered for him, “This is Sam, my old partner. He quit the Police last year to join the Police. So, what is he doing here if he is Police?”

Andre thought he’d notice Sam was holding something in his hand; he nodded at Buck to look at it too. Sam sprinted towards the door and tried to run through Buck and Andre, but they grabbed him by his arm and pushed him against the wall. “You are going to tell us everything you know, Sam,” Andre said in a demeaning tone. Sam knew it was over. Don and Andre took Sam to the room with Mary’s parents. They expected to see surprise faces, but that wasn’t the case. Mary’s parents looked at Sam with disbelief. It almost looked like they were disappointed to see him.

Jack was sat across from Mary’s parents. They looked defeated at each other. Then they started talking to each other. Jack apologized to Mary’s parents. Andre demanded an explanation. Sam started talking. “It all started when I met Mary’s parents at a parent’s meeting. My daughter goes to the same school as Mary did. We became friends and confided in each other. I told them about a special operation I was working on.” Sam continued, “It was top secret, but I needed their help. I was tailing a notorious bank robber at that time and had to hide some evidence.”

Buck and Andre listened carefully. This was something they had never dealt with before. “It was never meant to go this way,” Sam said remorsefully. “Mary came over one day to play with my daughter. I wasn’t paying attention, then suddenly Mary was gone.” Sam looked at Mary’s parents. “I thought you guys came over and picked her up. But when I saw the news the following day, I knew that wasn’t true. I searched your house to find the evidence I gave you to hide. But when I couldn’t find it, I knew you guys took it with you.”

Sam opened his hand and revealed a disc; “FBI” was drawn on the top with big letters. Mary’s parents had hidden the evidence in Mary’s coffin; they thought no one would ever be able to find it. But they were wrong.

This family has the worst moment: A Tennessee family mourning the tragic loss of a 6-month-old baby was left reeling when they discovered his casket out of the ground and floating in water days after he was supposed to be buried. Ashton Mackey died on May 13 after becoming extremely ill, a sudden passing that left his loved ones stunned. “My heart is so heavy right now I can’t even begin to put it into words,” his grandfather wrote on Facebook after the little boy’s death. “I know that God makes no mistakes, and that God knows best right now, [but] I’m having a hard time with it.”

Relatives gathered on May 20 to say goodbye to Ashton, first coming together at New Faith Bible Baptist Church and finally at New Park Cemetery’s Babyland, where the infant – described in his obituary as a “little angel” – was to be buried. Ashton’s family visited his grave Monday to pay their respects, but found the baby’s heartbreakingly small white casket above ground in a dirty puddle of water, a video of the incident showed. “This is what I come up here to,” a relative said in a Facebook Live feed. The casket was supposed to be buried nine days earlier, loved ones said.

Ashton’s mother, Alysha Mackey, told that while she was not able to watch her son’s casket be lowered into the ground, her uncle stayed for the actual burial. “He watched them bury him,” she said. “Then I come [on Monday] and his casket was upside down, in floating water. It was on top of the ground.” The site left the young mother reeling, she said. “I was distraught. I was devastated. I was confused,” Mackey, 25, said. “I thought I was going to pass out. I didn’t know what to think.”

Since it was such a small casket, Ashton’s final resting place had only been lowered two feet into the ground, and inclement weather may have caused the disturbance, Mackey said officials with the cemetery told her. “It still shouldn’t have come up,” she said, explaining that her son is in a vault that is inside the casket, which would have added weight. Those at the cemetery at the time of the discovery echoed Mackey’s sentiments, she said. “A man there said he never seen nothing like it … he said he had been working there 32 years and he never seen nothing like it,” she said.

After finding Ashton’s coffin upended, his family set to put it back in the ground and re-dig his grave, Mackey said. The unexpected disturbance at her son’s gravesite has left Mackey even more devastated, she said. “To see [the casket], again, it brought back bad memories,” she said. “I just want him to rest in peace,” Mackey added. “I haven’t slept; I’m scared to go to sleep. I’ve already been dealing with [the loss] but it’s gotten worse.” The Shelby County Health Department is reportedly investigating the incident. The New Park Cemetery has not responded to a request for comment by

This was the most terrible moment f or this family: Rosa Isabel CespedesCallaca was reportedly being buried on April 26 when, in the midst of a funeral procession in Peru, mourners carrying her coffin heard a strange knocking sound from inside the coffin. It was Callaca, who was actually alive and found to be gasping for air when the coffin was placed on the ground. “(She) opened her eyes and was sweating,” Juan Segundo Cajo, the caretaker of the cemetery, described the scene. “I immediately went to my office and called the police.”

Metro U.K. reported that after Callaca observed everyone at her own funeral, her family rushed her to Referential Hospital Ferrenafe for care. Doctors had difficulty finding signs of life, immediately putting her on life support until she died a few hours later. The family essentially had to say “goodbye” twice. Some family members believe a coma may have been improperly diagnosed as a death. “We want to know why my niece reacted yesterday when we were taking her to be buried,” an unnamed aunt of Callaca’s reportedly told local media in Lambayeque. “We have the videos in which she pushes and touches the coffin.”

Her initial prognosis resulted from a car crash that occurred on Chiclayo-Picsi Road in Lambayeque, on the northern coast of Peru. The crash took the life of Callaca’s brother-in-law and also resulted in serious injuries to three of her nephews, who were described as being in “serious” condition.

Now, the family wants answers. Peruvian authorities have gotten involved to investigate, namely Lambayeque Regional Hospital-the hospital where she was first treated following the car accident. Newsweek reached out to Lambayeque Regional Hospital for comment. This isn’t the first time someone has “woken up” after a death diagnosis. In a bizarre incident, a 76-year-old woman who was believed to be dead came to life moments before she was to be cremated as her family members prepared for her last rites, at Mudhale village in Baramati.

The woman, identified as Shakuntala Gaikwad, tested positive for cancer and covid a few days ago. She was isolated at home but her condition deteriorated due to old age, following which the family decided to move her to a hospital in Baramati. On May 10, the elderly woman was taken to Baramati in a private vehicle. The family tried to secure a hospital bed for her in Baramati but were unable to.

As they waited in the car, the woman fell unconscious and stopped moving. The family assumed that the woman had died. They also informed their relatives about the last rites. The family took her back home and started preparing for cremation. As the relatives mourned the loss, the woman was placed on the bier for her final journey.

Suddenly, the woman started crying and then opened her eyes. Shocked, her family took her to a hospital. Policeman Santosh Gaikwad confirmed that the incident had taken place at Mudhale village in Baramati. Meanwhile, the woman was admitted to the Silver Jubilee Hospital in Baramati for further treatment, said Dr. Sadanand Kale, the founder of Silver Jubilee Hospital.

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