
The World is Waiting For Us to Hold Donald Trump Accountable, Just Like Osama Was Brought To Justice – Andrea Junker

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American emerging artist, working primarily in mixed media Andrea Junker, made shocking statements on her Twitter page. Revealing to Americans what the world is expecting them to do concerning the case of ex-president Donald Trump’s.

Andrea Junker explains that, the energy that was used in bringing down world popular terrorist Osama, where America has to move heaven and earth to make sure Osama is brought to Justice, this same effort should be adapted to make sure ex president Donald Trump’s is brought to Justice over Jan elections disruptions.

In her words:

Never forget that we moved heaven and earth to bring Osama bin Laden to justice. Not because he flew an airplane into the World Trade Center on 9/11, but because he incited his followers to do it for him.

Now the world is waiting for us to hold Donald J. Trump accountable.

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  1. Hey, ADRIAN HALL, you must have just blown in from outer space, some place with beastly rats. Read some news articles with an open mind, ponder the points, and form an opinion using your critical thinking skills.

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