We Can’t Accept This Baby: Parents Abandon Their Sick Black Child. 20 Years Later They Hear A Knock On The Door..

A couple named Dave and Vivian abandoned their sick black baby a few days after his birth. But 20 years later, they heard a shocking knock on their door. Vivian took one look at her baby boy after delivery and almost had a heart attack.

What is this?” she screamed at the nurses, who promptly took away the baby from her. The medics tried their very best to explain to Vivian that her baby was born with a condition known as Tracher Collin syndrome.
The rare birth defect affects only about 150,000 newborn babies and causes facial anomalies. The nurses made considerable efforts trying to reassure Vivian that the defects did not affect the baby’s mental abilities in any way, but the still-stunned looking Vivian wasn’t really listening to all the medics’ explanations. She was still looking downcast with her face in her palms, trying to make sense of it all. When her husband Dave burst into the room, Dave was smiling from ear to ear, clearly excited and eager to see his new baby. But Dave’s instincts told him that……Read Full Story Here……………..