2-Month-Old Baby Has Bruised Eyes, Mom Sickened To Discover Dad’s Horrifying Use For Condiments

A mother of a two-month-old baby in Minnesota came home to find her daughter’s eyes red and bruised, along with several other injuries.
As any mother would do, she immediately took her child to the emergency room where both she and doctors were left horrified to learn the scumbag dad’s sick secret.

A young mother, who has remained anonymous, excitedly returned home to see her 3-year-old son and 2-month-old daughter after a long day.
However, when she went to pick up her baby girl, she was horrified when she looked in her eyes and found nasty bruises on both. In a panic, she scanned over her child’s body and was left sickened to see several other injuries.
As any mother would do, she quickly scooped up her children and took her daughter to the emergency room. Once they were there, doctors would expose one of the mother’s greatest fears – her children’s father, Shawn Michael Foltz, was physically abusing her 2-month-old daughter.
According to Daily Mail, “Doctors found the girl with bruises over both eyes, red marks on her back, and a bruise on her shoulder.” Once cops were involved, it was quickly revealed that Foltz was a sick man, who had done nasty things to an innocent child.
When he grew sick of her crying, he would torture her by rubbing hot sauce in her eyes, throwing fireworks in her face, and blocking her airways until she turned blue. If that wasn’t disturbing enough, he also allegedly burned her with hot water, snapped her in the face with a towel, and placed cayenne pepper into her eyes.
Eventually, Foltz would admit to police that he had caused the injuries. He has since been arrested and charged with four felonies, including neglect of a child, malicious punishment of a child, and two counts of third-degree assault, according to Right Wing News.