A doctor humiliates a nurse in front of a patient. Suddenly the unthinkable happens

The usual bustle reigned in the small city hospital. The new doctor, young and ambitious, had just completed his residency and was full of enthusiasm. He sought to demonstrate his knowledge and skills, but at times his self-confidence crossed boundaries.
One day, during his rounds, he ran into nurse Anna, who had been working at the hospital for many years. She was experienced and caring, but the new doctor, considering himself superior, began to humiliate her in front of the patient who was waiting for an examination. He reproached Anna for not having time to prepare the necessary tools and commented with disdain on her work.
The patient, an elderly man with kind eyes, looked at this scene with bewilderment. But the new doctor did not know that this patient was not just a random person. It was Sergei Petrovich, the former head physician of the hospital, who retired just a couple of months ago. He knew all the intricacies of the work of the medical staff and valued respect among the team.
When the doctor finished his “lectures” and left the office, Sergei Petrovich, unable to restrain himself, turned to Anna: “You should not tolerate such an attitude. Respect is the basis of our profession.” Anna, although embarrassed, thanked him for his support.
Sergei Petrovich decided that such behavior cannot be left without consequences. He called his friend, Vladimir, who now held the post of chief physician. In the conversation, he talked about the behavior of the new doctor and how he humiliated the nurse in front of the patient. Vladimir was shocked and promised to look into it.
The next day, Vladimir called the young doctor into his office. He was strict and serious. After Vladimir listened to the doctor, he said: “Not only did you not show respect for your colleague, but you also allowed yourself to humiliate her in front of the patient. I cannot allow such people to work in our hospital.”
Like a bolt from the blue, Vladimir informed the doctor about his dismissal. The young man was in shock, not understanding how everything could turn against him so quickly. He tried to justify himself, but Vladimir was adamant. “You don’t understand that the work of a doctor is not only knowledge, but also the ability to work in a team and respect the people around you. If you can’t do this, you don’t belong in our hospital,” Vladimir said, and the new doctor left the office with his head down.
Anna, having learned about Vladimir’s decision, felt relieved. She knew that respect and support within the team was important for everyone. And Sergei Petrovich, although he retired, was again convinced that the real values of medicine do not change.