
Charlotte Mom Catches Husband At Home w/ Side Chick … K*LLS Her … Facing Less Than 2 Yrs In Prison!

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A Charlotte, N.C wife and mom is facing the legal battle of her life, after she allegedly k*lled her husband’s side chick, after catching them together in her home, Media Take Out has learned.

The wife – whose lawyers intend to claim self defense – has already bonded herself out of jail, and is at home with her family, including her HUSBAND!!

The entire incident is like an episode of SNAPPED.

According to police reports, Stephanie Alexander, 51, called 911 and said she arrived home, and opened fire on a woman who was inside her place.

According to WCCB, the side piece, Tyra Crosby, 25, was pronounced de*d at the scene. The woman who sh*t her, Stephanie Alexander, was arrested and charged with voluntary manslaughter..

Voluntary manslaughter is a Class D felony in North Carolina. If convicted of voluntary manslaughter, a defendant could face between 4 and 5 years in prison. But with good behavior, and since it’s Stephanie’s first offense, she is likely to be released from prison in less than 2 years.

But Tyra’s mom, Tanya Hoskins, says that her daughter didn’t just show up at that house … she was brought there by Stephanie’s husband.

“She was invited to that home. I know my daughter wouldn’t have went there knowing it was a married couple or that it was a wife’s home. She was lured there by the man that was old enough to be her father,” Tanya told the local media.

Tanya claims that her daughter met the man at a club – and they left together.

And Media Take Out learned that Tanya claim that Stephanie didn’t just sh**t her … she tortured the alleged side chick first.

“It’s about an 8 minute long message of her being beat, tortured you can also hear them telling her that they were gonna kill her,” she said.

Tanya wants Stephanie to be charged with m*rder

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