Children plan to put poison in the birthday cake, but elderly woman overhears everything!

An old woman finds out about her children’s cruel plan to poison her on her birthday, and they could never have imagined what she would do next. They are shocked and desperate.
A festive atmosphere filled Mrs. Seline’s elegant mansion. The elderly woman, owner of a renowned pharmaceutical company, was preparing to celebrate yet another birthday that year. However, there was something special; her children Richard and Mary were planning the party with unusual enthusiasm. Mrs. Seline, a woman with gray hair and eyes that still sparkled with youth, watched the preparations and planning with a grateful smile.

“Mom, what do you think of this cake? Try it. There’s this one too,” said the daughter.
“I never imagined that you would plan something like this for me. I’m so happy!” she exclaimed, her eyes shining with joy.
Richard, tall and elegant, approached his mother with a warm smile. “Mom, you deserve all this and much more. We want this day to be really special,” he said, putting a loving arm around her.
Mary, for her part, looked through decorating magazines with a critical eye. “Everything needs to be perfect for our dear mother,” she commented, pointing to a floral arrangement. “Beautiful, aren’t they?”
While the house filled with laughter and joy, the elderly mother, sitting at the kitchen counter, ate the test cakes and could hardly express her happiness and gratitude. However, the moment she left to go to the bathroom, the siblings shared a secret. Richard whispered to his sister, “Everything is going according to plan. She doesn’t suspect a thing.” The woman nodded, her smile hiding dark intentions.
The old lady returned and was overjoyed without a clue of what her children were up to in the shadows. She could already imagine her party with the music filling the air and the aroma of delicious dishes emanating from the kitchen. The impeccable decoration and the celebratory atmosphere she so desired. But her most special gift was the presence and love of her children who had always been absent, spoiled, and only cared about spending her money. She thought that because she was getting older, perhaps the two of them had realized their poor behavior and valued their days together more and wanted to please her. Poor thing.
While planning the celebration, Seline was still trying out the cakes and sweets when she received an unexpected call. She was talking on the phone with a worried expression. “Yes, I understand. I’ll be there as soon as I can,” she said, her voice revealing a sudden urgency.
After hanging up, the woman turned to her children, explaining that she had to leave because of an urgent matter related to her company. “My lawyer just called me about a problem with a shipment that we need to solve immediately. I have to go now, but I’ll be back so we can continue with the arrangements, okay?” she said in a hurry, with quick goodbyes and promises to return soon.
The businesswoman left the mansion, leaving her children alone with their plan. As soon as their mother closed the door, they exchanged complicit glances and celebrated the success of their evil plan. “This is going to be our moment, Mary. Nobody will suspect anything,” Richard said.
“How could we not have thought of this before?” the girl with a mischievous smile agreed. “Yeah, no one will suspect a thing. I’ve already bought the poison to put in the cake. Let’s get rid of that old hag as soon as she eats a piece. We’ll have our inheritance.”
They discussed the details with a coolness that didn’t even sound like the woman was their own mother. Mary had obtained a potent poison that was undetectable and worked quickly. “It’s going to look like a natural heart attack. After all, she doesn’t have long anyway,” she commented, checking the small bottle of poison. The man laughed as if it was very funny. “The cretins felt as if they already had their inheritance. They imagined how easy it would be to get their hands on their mother’s fortune. All they had to do was make a scene, cry, go to her funeral, and then they’d both be filthy rich,” he said.
“After that, we’ll have everything we ever wanted without waiting for her to just die naturally, without depending on her anymore,” said the brother, his eyes shining with greed. The woman agreed with a satisfied smile on her face. “We’ll be able to do whatever we want. We’ll finally be free to live the life we deserve. This fake birthday will be so worth it,” they continued discussing the details of the plan, certain that no one would find out.
And so Seline’s special day arrived. Tension hung in the air, disguised under the facade of an intimate birthday celebration. The old lady woke up beaming, and as the owner of a pharmaceutical company that she had built on her own after her husband died, leaving her with two small children, she was a very astute and intelligent woman. Her children had organized the event to be something intimate just for the three of them. It was something the woman had always wanted because the two of them hardly ever spent any time at home, just traveling and spending. And now it was time for her to enjoy that special moment.
They were barely able to hide their sinister anticipation. “Oh my God, it’s going to work!” the daughter laughed diabolically. In her own mind, she was the mastermind of that cruel plan. Richard was a bit of a do-it-all, always influenced by his older sister, but just as bad in character.
When the old lady came down the stairs from the second floor, the table was set, and everything was beautifully decorated. The cake they had poisoned was carefully placed in the center, next to the sweets and fancy snacks of caviar and black truffles.
The businesswoman, with a warm smile, thanked them for the gesture of affection. “Oh, how happy I am to be here with my wonderful two children,” she said, her eyes shining with an emotion that the two of them couldn’t decipher. It was a wonderful day. They ate, drank, and talked as if they really were a happy family. Meanwhile, after singing Happy Birthday, the siblings watched their mother’s every move intently as she cut a generous slice of cake.
Happy Birthday, Mom!” they shouted, their voices quivering with anticipation. But the old woman said that the moment deserved a very expensive wine, the only addition from a winery that had been destroyed before the First World War, and that it cost a fortune. Knowing her children’s refined taste, she served them. “Here’s to our family,” she said, filling both of their glasses, and for her, took the generous piece of cake and took a big bite.
The old lady ate the whole cake and said it was divine. She then enjoyed another piece while Richard and Mary watched excitedly as she gorged herself on the poisoned cake. They held their breath, waiting anxiously for the lethal effect of the poison.
The two of them toasted with the expensive wine their mother had bought them and smiled, sharing the real meaning of that joy. But fate had prepared something else for them, or rather not fate. Mrs. Seleny, to the dismay of her children, the old lady wasn’t feeling ill even after just 20 minutes of eating cake. “The poison should have kicked in by now,” whispered the sister softly in Richard’s ear.
At that moment, the businesswoman said something that made the two of them lose their breaths. “What is it, my loves? Why do you look so disappointed? Aren’t you happy because I’m not dead yet?” she stood up and revealed that she knew about their macabre plan all along. “Did you really think I wouldn’t know? How could you? I changed your poisonous cake in the middle of the night for one that wasn’t going to kill me,” she said with a disgusted expression. Richard and Mary were petrified, their faces pale with fear.
“But how? We were so careful,” was all the girl could think about. “You’ve underestimated your mother,” said the businesswoman with a firm voice. But what she revealed next made the two criminals start to cry. “It’s a good thing I’m not stupid and put poison in your wine instead,” they dropped their glasses on the floor. “You should have killed me first!” exclaimed the old lady. The siblings, in an act of desperation, tried to induce vomiting, but the lady stopped them. “It’s no use. I’ve chosen a specific poison. If you try to vomit, you’ll die immediately. What a pity that only I have an antidote,” Richard and Mary stopped immediately, and now overcome by panic, begged for mercy.
“Mom, please forgive us. It was just a terrible mistake. We can explain. Please give us the antidote!” they shouted, tears streaming down their faces. But Seline, keeping her composure, just said, “You are such a shame. How could I raise two children with the guts to kill their own mother without any regrets? Your only chance is to record a full confession of your plans. Only then will I consider giving you the antidote,” the woman turned on her cellphone camera and ordered them to sit on the couch. “Now confess,” they were hesitant. After all, it was the same as digging their own grave.
“You have exactly 20 minutes before the poison takes effect,” the woman concluded, her voice resonating with undeniable authority. The two criminals, now confronted with the reality of their actions and the imminence of death, understood the gravity of the mistake they had made. She watched as the children, trembling and crying, confessed the sorted details of their plan on camera. The room, once a scene of celebration, was transformed into a court of maternal justice. Each one took turns revealing the diabolical plan they had devised.
Richard, with a broken voice and tears in his eyes, thinking he was dying, began, “Yes, we planned to poison our mother to get the inheritance faster. I-I’m so sorry. We were obsessed with the idea of having her fortune for ourselves, but it was because she never let us spend it the way we wanted. We always had to do something in return, like a job,” he stopped, choking on her tears and her growing fear of dying. “I wanted you to appreciate hard work,” replied the lady.
With each confession, the siblings looked desperately at the woman, begging for mercy. “Mother, please, I’m dying. Give me the antidote,” the man pleaded, his voice trembling. The businesswoman, however, remained unperturbed, vehemently denying them. “You need to understand the gravity of what you’ve done,” she said with a stern expression.
After the recording, she picked up the phone and called her lawyer. Her two children were there, looking as if they were going to die crying, and she was full, waiting for the call to be completed. When the man answered, “Edward, did you get the confession I sent you just now?” “Good. Now you can remove these two scoundrels from my will immediately,” she ordered, irritated in a way her children had never seen.
When Richard and Mary overheard the conversation, they were shocked and panicked. Time was running out, and death seemed imminent. Seline picked up her bag and started to walk away towards the door while the two of them screamed in despair. “Mom, are you going to let us die? Give us the antidote!” they cried out with terror on their faces. But turning to face them one last time, the old lady revealed the truth.
“There is no antidote. I would never poison my own children. I knew about your plan from the start,” she said with a look of disappointment and sadness. The siblings immediately stopped, coughing as if they had suffocated and were stunned, unable to believe it. Their mother had tricked them using her own plot against them. The reality of their actions and the consequences of their actions hit them hard.
“Now that you’re out of the will, the lesson had been hard but necessary. You had planned the worst against your own mother and now face the consequences of your dark deeds,” she said. But how did the old lady find out about her children’s diabolical plan if they were being so careful? The answer takes us back to a few days before when the siblings, in a moment of false security, detailed their deadly scheme.
Remember that day when they were trying out the cakes, and the old lady had to leave to sort out a problem with the company’s deliveries? Well, while Richard and Mary were plotting their macabre plan in the kitchen, Seline, by chance, realized that she had forgotten her scarf on the couch in the living room. She got back to get it, but the two of them, lost in their Machiavellian plans, didn’t even notice or hear her entering the room.
As she entered the house, the woman heard her children’s voices talking about some poison. Driven by curiosity, she approached silently, hiding. What she heard left her petrified and feeling betrayed. Her own children were plotting her death. “As soon as that old hag eats the poison cake, her money will be ours,” said Richard with a cruel smile. Mary added details about the poison she had chosen, making sure it looked like a heart attack.
Shocked and devastated, Seline retreated silently, with a storm of emotions raging in her heart. That night, she cried alone, lamenting the greed and evil children she had raised. But she was a woman of action, determined to teach the two crooks a lesson. She came up with a plan too. Before the party, she exchanged the poison cake for a safe one, and for the final blow, she planned to pretend that she had poisoned their drink. And after that, after they had confessed their crime, giving her everything she needed to not only remove them from the will but to disinherit them both.
It was said and done; the lawyer prepared the papers quickly, and in less than 24 hours, Richard and Mary no longer had any legal relationship with the businesswoman. The siblings couldn’t believe that all this had been orchestrated by their own mother. They couldn’t accept that they had dug their own grave and that everything they had planned had gone wrong. What’s more, with the confession in hand, they would be arrested.
“Mom, please forgive us,” they both cried, no longer afraid of dying but now with a tremendous fear of being in jail forever for attempted murder. Mrs. Seline, with a look of disgust and hatred, didn’t even look like the same person. “You’re lucky I won’t show this to the police. You
‘re an embarrassment to me,” she said. She turned and walked away, leaving her children alone with their own shame and regrets, closing a painful chapter in her life.
Her last words were something that scarred the minds of the two cretins. “You’re not my children anymore.” After that, Mrs. Seline made decisions that would change the structure of her family and her inheritance forever. With the determination of a woman who saw the true character of her children, she began to restructure her life and legacy.
The first thing she did was, with a new perspective on what really mattered, decide to donate part of her fortune to charity. She chose organizations that worked with disadvantaged children and medical research projects that had always been close to her heart. “It’s time for my wealth to make a difference in the world in a way that I know is right,” she told her lawyer Edward during a meeting about how she would spend her money.
Word of Miss Seline’s generosity spread quickly, and she was acclaimed by the community for her selfless gesture. The sight of an elderly woman who stood up to the greed of her own children and chose to help those in need inspired many. For Richard and Mary, the consequences of their actions were severe and immediate. Not only were they removed from the will, but they were also evicted from the family mansion. That wounded mother could not tolerate the presence of those who had plotted against her life right under her roof.
“You are not my children anymore, so get your things and get out of here now. You’ll never find comfort under my roof again,” she declared without a shred of love for them in her heart. The siblings, now stripped of their inheritance and the luxury in which they had lived, had to face the harsh and cold reality of the world. They were forced to make do and live through difficulties they had never imagined. The humiliation of being known as the children who tried to kill their own mother out of greed haunted them, making each step towards a new beginning more challenging.
The old woman, now a symbol of strength and generosity, continued her life with dignity and purpose and found peace, while her former children never saw her again and bitterly regretted all their actions. And if you like this story, I’m sure the next video that pops up on your screen will move you too. Don’t forget to subscribe, give us a thumbs up, and activate the notification bell so you don’t miss any of our upcoming videos. See you in the next heartwarming story.