Every Day Little Girl Cries Before Getting On School Bus, Dad is Shocked When He Follows Her Inside

A dad gets worried about his stepdaughter crying every day before getting on her school bus, so he bursts into it one day to figure out what’s happening, the reason behind it enrages him and he immediately takes action against the bus driver.
Candice was still in her Mother Lily’s womb when her father abandoned them, claiming he had nothing to do with them. After that, candies had lily as her only companion, but things changed when Lily met, Derek Derek fell in love with Lillian Candice and embraced them.
He became a devoted husband and father and loved Candance, so much that nobody believed he was the little girl’s stepfather and not her biological dad. Both Lily and direct were working parents, so they sent Candace to School by bus every day.
Lily left for work early as her office was a little far from their house, and it was Derek’s duty to drop Candace off at her bus stop before heading to work.
One day direct was dropping off Candace at her bus stop and noticed she seemed upset. Honey. Are you all right he inquired concerned? Would you like to discuss something with Daddy Candace remains silent, but her eyes, welled up Derek, noticed that and wondered what was wrong.
If there’s anything, that’s bothering you honey. He continued remember that Daddy is always here to listen. Okay, Candace nodded lightly, then grabbed her backpack and alighted the bus as it arrived Derek hoped she would be all right, but she wasn’t.
With time, Derek noticed Candace would cry every day reluctant to take the bus to school and insisting on driving her. He told Lily about it, but all she said was you know how much she loves you Derek it’s, because she wants your attention all the time. Kids, do such things sometimes to get their parents attention.
Believing Lily was right, Derek didn’t give it much thought and sometimes gave in a Candace’s request and dropped her off at school, but doing so every day was impossible because he’d have to be in his office on Time and Candace’s school was in the opposite direction of his workplace.
One morning, Candice began crying again not wanting to take the bus to school. Direct was really late for a meeting and he yelled at Candice, stop being so fussy Candice. There are a lot of kids who take that bus every day, but you’re the only one who causes problems, Candice lowered her head sniffing, but her tears didn’t stop.
She boarded the bus as soon as it arrived and Derek felt a Pang of guilt now that he had cooled down and understood he shouldn’t have been so angry with her. Oh God, why not have to be so mad I’ll apologize to her when she gets home, he mumbled as he started walking towards his car.
But the bus driver’s words stopped him in his tracks. You go and sit at the back. You little girl. I don’t want to see your face and yeah you better, follow my orders or get the hell out of my bus he yelled. Candace pleaded with him teary eyed that she had motion sickness and needed to sit in the front, but the bus driver wouldn’t budge. You do what I say or you’re out, he yelled.
Derek turned around and saw the bus gate was about to close. He stormed into the bus before the door closed and froze in place when he saw the driver’s face. He would never fail to recognize him.
You have to inform me whenever something is wrong. Candice, daddy is always here for you, so never keep anything from me. Okay, as they arrived at, the bus stop in Candace was about to board the bus. She turned around and smiled at Derek.
I’m sorry, I didn’t tell you Daddy. I was just scared. Thank you and I love you. She added, as she waved goodbye, Derek waved back at her and whispered, and I love you to her. Candace sat in one of the seats in the front and happily went to school.
She had no idea Justin was her biological father, but Derek and Lily decided to tell her when she is old enough to comprehend everything.