
For Weeks Man Loads Car With Starbucks For Sick Dad. Then Barista Makes Heartbreaking Discovery

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Every Thursday, Dan walks into his local Starbucks with a list of orders. He buys somewhere between 12 and 24 cups of coffee and takes them to the Michigan Cancer Institute. The coffee is for the patients undergoing chemotherapy. This has been Dan’s weekly routine for about three years

Valerie, a barista at Starbucks says she looks forward to filling Dan’s order each week. Valerie has answered a lot of questions about why Dan does this every week. When people find out why – they want to help. There is a custom Starbucks card called “Dan’s Coffee Run.” Watch the video below to learn why Dan makes his weekly trip to Starbucks.

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People who buy the card will help Dan pay for those coffees he buys each week for the cancer patients. Some promises are worth keeping, no matter what.

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