Mom Suddenly Goes Into Labor And Has Triplets, Then Doctors Realize a Devastating Truth

When this mother suddenly goes into labor, she’s overjoyed to find out that all three of her babies are perfectly healthy. But soon enough, doctors realize a devastating truth that leaves this beautiful family of seven in shambles.

As she realized that she was feeling the first contractions, Cassie Roth squealed with delight. Both she and her husband Joey could hardly contain their excitement. They had come a long way since receiving the good news that their family was about to expand, and now their triplets were about to enter the world.
Triplets are usually delivered at about 32 weeks; however, Cassie had felt strong and healthy for the entire duration of the pregnancy and had wanted to give her babies a fighting chance. She had been willing to wait two more weeks in the hospital to allow her triplets to develop just a little more. After careful monitoring and intense scrutiny, the medical team had agreed with Joey and Cassie to deliver the triplets at 34 weeks if labor hadn’t started naturally. They would have induced it to protect both the mother and the children. But thankfully, Cassie’s body seemed to be finally attuned to the doctor’s intentions, and a contraction spontaneously started at the right time.
Finally, on January 29, 2016, a competent medical team delivered three reasonably healthy babies through a C-section. Asher, Levi, and Piper were three little fighters. But because they were premature, they were kept under close supervision in the hospital of birth. It is normal procedure to keep premature babies for a few weeks after birth in the NICU before sending them home, and the parents were not worried in the slightest.
Before the new additions were added to the family, two little kids kept their parents on their toes. Khloe was a busy 6-year-old who brought her own demands to the table. Then there was Tenley, a shy 2-year-old who was still very much dependent on her mommy’s attention. The family had been excited at the prospect of building a bigger family, and the girls themselves had been overjoyed to know they would soon have three more playmates.
The triplets’ conception had been natural and had taken both parents by surprise. Although this was great news, the situation became immediately classified as a high-risk pregnancy. Despite all the concerns and warnings, Cassie had a good pregnancy. To be on the safe side, the couple agreed to do all the necessary tests to put everybody’s mind at ease. In addition, they took every precaution possible to make sure that they were giving their triplets the best chance of survival and health.
With years of experience in the medical field, the doctors thought it wise to induce labor at an early stage. The physician who oversaw Cassie’s pregnancy recommended that she should start taking certain fertility medicines that would induce early labor. According to their statistics, this was the best course of action. Although Cassie had great respect for her doctor, she was also an independent woman who knew what she desired in life. Within her soul, she felt that it would be best to carry the triplets for as long as they were not in distress and still developing well. Joey agreed, presenting a united front and confidence in their decision. The doctors accepted their request but under one condition.
The Roth family was not living near a proper medical facility with the necessary expertise to deal with this high-risk pregnancy. Living on a remote farm further complicated the situation in case emergency intervention was needed. As a temporary measure, they were relocated to Wita during her third trimester of pregnancy. It was a huge sacrifice to move closer to a high-quality medical care facility since she had to leave her older two children behind at home.
Despite the challenges, the family had to face; life somehow had to go on as normal as possible, especially for Khloe, who was already attending school. Joey had the difficult task of being both mother and father while making the time to visit and support Cassie. The only thing that kept the close-knit family going was the fact that they knew this separation and emotional turmoil was temporary.
Doctors had already informed the couple that the chances of carrying triplets the full term were risky. Therefore, this situation would most probably not last for too long. Thankfully, the birth went as smoothly as possible. It was no surprise to Joey that his wife made a remarkably rapid recovery after giving birth. That was the kind of woman Cassie was. She was strong and selfless, and she wanted to be there for her three newborns as well as the older two sisters. Cassie was all about family and had missed Khloe and Tenley terribly while she was confined to the hospital. Despite receiving outstanding support from the nurses, she needed to wrap her arms around her oldest two.
Cassie was overjoyed when she was released from the hospital. But the couple had to stay close by to monitor the triplets in the NICU. Remaining patient was a huge challenge. They were now the proud parents of five beautiful kids, and their heart’s desire was to get all of them under one roof. However, the family would only be able to reunite at their beloved home in Kansas when the triplets were completely out of the woods. So far, all the focus was on the babies. Cassie was feeling perfectly fine, and yet, 2 days after she was released from the hospital, something terrible happened.
In the early morning hours, this mother awoke with a painful ache pounding in her chest. In addition to the pain, her heart was beating too fast. There was no doubt in both her and Joey’s minds that something was horribly wrong. Joey, who had always been a very responsible and calm-natured man, had to force himself not to speed recklessly to the hospital. Cassie was the love of his life, and to see her in such distress broke his heart. Fortunately, when the couple arrived at the hospital, the medical staff responded quickly. Cassie was immediately taken for a CT scan. It did not take much time to reveal the cause of her discomfort. The scan revealed a blood clot in her lungs. Doctors acted quickly to prevent damage to the lungs and gave her targeted treatment to dissolve the clot.
Two days later, Cassie was her old self. She felt strong and healthy. Her focus shifted immediately back to the triplets. She could hardly wait to visit Asher, Levi, and Piper in the ICU. She wanted to spend some quality time with the tiny little babies, knowing that her familiar voice would comfort them. Being able to hold the triplets was a privilege that both Cassie and Joey treasured.
In the meantime, back home, Khloe and Tenley were also becoming desperate for their parents’ attention. It was challenging for these young ones to function without them, despite the love they were receiving from their grandparents. The two girls were especially vulnerable because of having to cope without their mother for such a long time. At two, Tenley was still at the tender age where Cassie was her main caregiver, and she still had that very dependent relationship with her mother.
Cassie needed to shift gears for a moment. Knowing that her triplets were in excellent care in the NICU, it was time to zoom in on the older kids, even if it was only for a day or two. The trip back to Clay Center, Kansas, afforded Cassie the opportunity to rest. She knew she had to gather all her strength, and there was much to do at home.
She wanted her girls to feel loved and to do a few of their favorite things together. She also knew that there were a few household chores she had to complete before returning to Wita, the NICU, and their triplets.
Both Cassie and Joey anticipated an extremely emotional reunion upon their arrival. The girls were still at daycare and squealed with delight when their daddy came to pick them up. Joey kept it as a surprise that their mom was waiting at home. The girls could not wait to spend time with him, and yet, tears of joy flowed from both the girls’ and Mommy’s eyes when Chloe and Tenley found Cassie at home waiting impatiently on the couch while baking cookies.
The girls were excited and giggling all the way. Cassie also had to do some washing and ironing, and she also had to pump some breast milk to deliver to the NICU the moment they went back. After all, it was no small task to feed three little hungry mouths. Although Cassie did her chores, she did not overexert herself. However, soon enough, she started having chest problems again. She had no option but to take things slow and take deep breaths to relax.
Despite Cassie’s reassurances, Joey couldn’t help but worry. His wife did not seem to be fine yet, she insisted that a few moments of rest would spontaneously sort out everything. However, Joey realized that Cassie was struggling. He took charge and told her that they were not taking chances. Quickly arranging for a babysitter, Joey rushed to the nearest hospital. Cassie sat in the front passenger seat with her eyes closed. Joey drove as quickly as he safely could. It was difficult to keep his eyes on the road and simultaneously observe his wife as he sped towards the hospital. It seemed like Cassie had passed out. All that Joey could do was call her name while trying to get help as soon as possible.
In those moments of anguish, Joey allowed his brain to take over. His emotions were numbed as he could not comprehend anything going terribly wrong with Cassie. He tried to keep his mind focused on the fact that the doctors were able to help her the previous time. This time would not be any different; he had to remain hopeful and positive. Arriving at the emergency entrance of the hospital, help was immediately available. Joey tried to wake up his wife, but then the trained staff took over. Despite their best efforts, Cassie remained unconscious. The last few words she spoke to Joey were in the car before she lost consciousness.
The doctors did not give up easily. They worked with this dedicated mother for quite a while before they realized the devastating truth. Cassie was gone forever. There was nothing left to do but to convey the devastating news to a hopeful Joey. In a split second, he had become a widower and the single dad of five little kids, three of whom were still waiting in the NICU in Wita. He had no idea how he would go on without Cassie by his side.
He was clearly devastated and also overwhelmed by the fact that he alone would be responsible for his kids. How would he deal with his own grief while helping the girls was grieve the mother who died much too soon? The triplets still needed intensive care and attention. Joey did not know how to be both mother and father to five small children. His emotional world was falling apart while he had to change diapers, cook meals, and play games. If only he knew how Cassie would have dealt with the same situation if faced with similar circumstances. No sooner had he allowed that thought to form in his mind that he got a clear answer. Cassie would have told him to man up and take responsibility. With no one else available, it was up to him to raise the kids.
Joey was fortunate to have his parents living about 7 miles away. They were more than willing to help with the kids. There were also many other friends, relatives, and caregivers who were eager to help him cope with the unusual and sad situation that was now his reality. In an extraordinary deed of compassion, well-wishers raised more than $100,000 to help Joey raise his children.
Joey chose to stay in the house he shared with his late wife. He purposely chose to keep her belongings as her artworks were but one of the ways she expressed her love and devotion for her family. However, this mother of five had expressed it with words as well. In fact, years before this tragedy happened, Cassie had made Joey promise that if she ever died prematurely, he would make sure that their children knew how much she loved them.
This story may have had a few somber moments, but fortunately, time was able to heal some devastating wounds. After taking time to grieve and continuing to raise his kids in a way he knew Cassie would have found pleasing, Joey found love again. Not only did he get another chance at love, but the triplets found a mother, and Tenley and Khloe were happy to be older sisters of yet another little baby boy named Dawson.
The Roth household had always been a busy hub of activity, but in 2020, Joey was ready to share his newfound joy with the world. Do you think time heals all wounds? Is multiple pregnancy something that excites or scares you from a risk point of view? Tell us in the comments below. Thank you for watching, and see you next time.