The girl feels something biting her, then mom asks her to take pants off immediately

Michael, an eight-year-old African-American boy, was excited to go to school. He was the only Black child in the class, but he always found a common language with his classmates and teachers. Michael was kind, smart, and always willing to help, which endeared him to his peers.
However, Michael’s life changed with the arrival of a new French teacher named Robert. Robert was strict and demanding, but his negative attitude towards Michael was especially noticeable. He often humiliated the boy, put him in a corner, and even called him an “ugly duckling” because of his skin color.
Michael didn’t understand why Robert treated him this way, and it made him feel hurt and lonely. At first, Michael endured the humiliation, hoping that everything would change, but every day the situation became worse. He tried to be strong, but deep down, he felt lonely and resentful. He found it hard to believe that the adult who was supposed to teach and support him was actually hurting him.
One day, when Michael was again called to the board, Robert humiliated him especially cruelly. He yelled at him, accusing him of not knowing how to pronounce words correctly, and once again called him an “ugly duckling.” At that moment, anger began to boil inside Michael. He couldn’t stand it anymore.
In a fit of emotion, he hit Robert and, without waiting for a reaction, ran out of the classroom, tears rolling down his cheeks.
However, Michael’s classmates did not stand aside. They came to Michael’s defense and told the principal about Robert’s abuse. The principal, after listening to them, decided to fire the teacher.
Michael was freed from fear and humiliation, and his classmates supported him, showing that friendship can overcome injustice. Michael continued his studies, realizing that true strength lies in the kindness and support of friends. Now he knew that even in the most difficult times, he could count on those around him.