This Man Walks 20 Miles To Work Until One Day Cop Follows Him, Discovered The Hidden Truth And Was Left In Shock

The cop car pulled up alongside him, but he continued to plod forward. The cop car continued to follow. He had to make it 10 miles to go, and he’d be safe. He looked at his watch and walked faster, his legs burning as he powered on.

But there was no deterring this policeman. Walter Car had moved to Homewood, Alabama, with his mother after tragedy struck. They had hoped to rebuild their lives after their home was destroyed by the monster Hurricane Katrina and wanted a fresh start. Walter was a twenty-year-old student, but he was determined to work to support his mother. Little did he know just how hard that would prove to be. Walter had heard that there was a position available at Bellhops, a moving company about 20 miles away from where he lived. It was far to travel, but he had his…….Read Full Story Here………..