
This Woman Creates A Fake Facebook Profile To Check On Her Niece But Ended Up Getting A Big Surprise

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An Alabama aunt thought her 19-year-old niece was spending too much time on Facebook recently, so she created a fake profile and befriended her to see what she was up to online. But as reports, the answer she got was more troubling than anything she could have imagined.

The niece at the center of the story is Marissa Williams. Williams’ aunt was puzzled by the girl’s online habits and the constant stream of strangers always at her house, so she created a profile posing as a boy named Tre ‘Topdog’ Ellis and befriended her niece. Immediately, things got strange.

On the first day the two talked online, Williams invited Ellis over to her house to get drunk with her. She sent the fictitious boy her phone number and home address, and said….Read Full Story Here.…….

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