The American People Are Paying Zero Attention to Any of This! Zero!’ Chris Hayes Goes off on GOP Claim That the Public Knew What Was in 1,500-Page Spending Bill

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes went off on conservatives who claimed “the American people” were unhappy with a continuing resolution to fund the government until March. The legislation, which has since been scrapped, clocked in at more than 1,500 pages. If passed, it would have averted a government shutdown set to begin this weekend.
Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) pulled the bill on Wednesday night after rumblings from hardline members of his conference. On Wednesday morning, Elon Musk, who spent nearly a quarter of a billion dollars supporting President-elect Donald Trump, unleashed a tweetstorm railing against the bill. Ultimately, Trump joined the fray and threatened Republicans who voted for it with primaries in 2026.
“He’s not just Trump’s co-president,” Hayes said of Musk on Wednesday’s All In. “I think that’s way too low a title. He’s the head dude in charge. And House Republicans certainly know who they are taking their marching orders from.”
The host aired clips of Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Chip Roy (R-TX) outside the Capitol earlier in the day.
“Elon put out a pretty serious post there,” Greene said. “But you know, that’s the sentiment of the American people. This is why we won on November 5th.”
“When sunlight is put on these bills… the American people don’t like what they see,” Roy added.
Their remarks set Hayes off:
The American people are paying zero attention to any of this! Zero!
“Elon put out a pretty serious post.” Oh well, then, if Elon put out a serious post.
The Republican House majority leader, Steve Scalise, confirmed the bill’s now dead. It’s unclear what comes next or if there are votes for an alternate bill… which now adds this other new wrinkle, very complexing. But Elon Musk, the guy who’s running things in the Republican Party and, I guess, the country, says he wants a shutdown.
It’s not gonna hurt him, his hundreds of billions of dollars. He’s already declaring victory on Twitter, posting, “You’re elected representatives have heard you” – oh, yeah, us – “and now the terrible bill is dead,” says the billionaire. “The voice of the people” – meaning me – “has triumphed.”